Women Sanghas - Self Help Groups

Women Sanghas - Self Help Groups

Women Sanghas - Self Help Groups

Women Sanghas:
There are 50 Women Self Help Groups functioning under NKSST. The women conduct weekly meetings on various aspects like Self-Help Groups SHG). Benefits of SHGs: enhancement of self esteem, community development, health, hygiene, family budgeting and saving

Stree Shakti is a women empowerment program to strengthen their access to financial services and make them self reliant.
 The program draws its inspiration from principles of the Self-help groups (SHG) wherein skill development and access to financial services are provided through micro-credit and savings product

 Objectives of Stree Shakti Sangha:

  •     To strengthen the process of economic development of rural women and create a conducive environment for social change.
  •     To form a self-help group based on thrift and credit principles which builds self-reliance and enable women to have greater access and control over resources
  •     To increase the income levels of rural women by engaging them in; Income generating activities and creating financial stability
  •     To provide opportunities to the members of the groups to avail the benefits of other departmental schemes by converging the services of various departments and lending institutions to ensure; women’s access to; credit financing.