Poverty Eradication:
Various definitions and figures used to determine poverty in India have resulted in varying estimates of poverty, but its essence remains the same - deprivation. Poverty ensures that people are deprived of opportunities, choices, resources, knowledge and protection. Poverty goes beyond a mere lack of income. It also means being excluded from decision-making based on ethnicity, community, gender, status, even age, which goes against the constitutional rights promised to every citizen of India. Persistent poverty and inequality is not just a violation of basic human rights, but it also undermines the economic growth of a nation by wasting human resources and hindering social development. "Nava Karnataka Social Service Trust - NKSST" believes that sustained economic and social development for all is critical to improve living standards, especially for those at the lower end of income distribution. NKSST long-term goal is to assist in integrating the needs of social development with those of economic development, especially with respect to the needs of the underprivileged and impoverished sections of society. To achieve that end, NKSST works in collaboration with a wide range of non-governmental agencies, research institutions, governmental departments and international aid agencies.
Social Justice
Rigid social hierarchies present in Indian society have impacted the country’s commitment to equality and social justice. Social justice is crucial for ending poverty and essential for fostering common goals and creating a shared sense of belonging and prosperity. By ensuring social justice, the poor get empowered and the marginalised can take advantage of opportunities. The principle of social justice ensures that everyone, regardless of community, caste, class, status or gender, has a voice in the decision-making process which affect their lives. Social justice also ensures that everyone enjoys equal access to basic amenities and to political, social, economic and physical spaces. An inequitable status excludes people from a range of processes and opportunities. NKSST follows its commitment to social justice by upholding principles of equity and by supporting inclusive participation through constructing strategies for advocacy that promote the rights, interests and needs of the disempowered.
Advocating the cause of elementary education for all, supporting wider and more equal access to higher education by the poor and providing quality education. Most poor households rely on labour as their only asset but labour can be made more productive through education and skills training, crucial for achieving inclusive growth. Quality primary and secondary education systems ensure better learning outcomes and strengthening the accountability of educational institutions.
To address the challenges faced by India in the health sector, NKSST programmes have a particular emphasis on social diversity and on improving the health of marginalised and excluded groups and a commitment to outcome-oriented research. Broadly, the research focusses on gender, family, reproductive and sexual health, sustainability, diversity and social inclusion, violence and abuse, professional practice and higher education in public health. The unique characteristic of this work is that it connects research perspectives that have not previously been part of mainstream themes into relevant, socially responsive, progressive and innovative approaches to human wellbeing and the quality of life.
The success of such programmes is that they are underpinned by well established partnerships with state governments, non-government organisations and the community sector who collectively desire to address India’s public health needs.
Educational Programme: A total number of 1500 children have been enrolled in this programme. Out of the students enrolled about 95% of the students are appearing for their examinations. One of the main features of this programme is that all children are being provided with school uniforms, books, fees and other stationeries free of cost (Apprx Rs.54,00,000.00 per annum).
Value Education: is a unique educational programme conducted thrice a week for about 100 children. Classes are conducted separately for primary, middle and high school students.
Health Programme: About 4000 people are registered and are benefited. There is regular check up by the Doctor once in a week, free medicines are provided. Regular awareness is given on consumption of nutritious food, hygiene etc. Includes awareness in AIDS (HIV), STD, awareness on T.B. and Medical Checkups for poor are organized. The medical checkups are made as the patient visit the clinic and hospitals and also as and when, with the help of the membership card issued to them. (Apprx.Rs 48,00,000.00 per annum)
Women Sanghas:
There are 50 Women Self Help Groups functioning under NKSST. The women conduct weekly meetings on various aspects like Self-Help Groups SHG). Benefits of SHGs: enhancement of self esteem, community development, health, hygiene, family budgeting and savings.
Community Development Activities:
- Laid Roads,
- Erected electrical poles,
- Cleaning drainage,
- Regular cleaning and spraying of DDT and
- Fixing and repairing of bore wells.
Public Awareness:
Demonstration of Hygiene to women, youth and children who also took part in a procession organized by us to make the people of the locality understands the importance of cleanliness. We had staged dharna (Protest) for the roads to be laid, proper drainage and waste picking, which enhance public cleanliness.
In this programme, we provide 5-8 Kgs of Rice for 500 families who are very poor (who cannot afford to their basic food need) and who had acquired the membership card in our Trust. This Rice is provided on the 25th of every month. (Apprx. Rs.37,500.00 per month)
Issue of Sewing Machines:
Since inception NKSST has issued 25 Sewing machines (Tailoring machines) to the underprivileged individuals. The Sewing Machines will be issued every year during the Trust annual day ceremony. (Approx. Rs.57,500 per annum)
Helping the underprivileged for marriages:
This Trust is helping the poor who approach us for the marriage of their daughters. This is an unforeseen expense and we need a corpus fund for this purpose. Amount of expenditure is unforeseen and we are trying to have a corpus fund of Rs.2,00,000.00 for this.
Helping the poor to meet funeral expenses:
Expense to be incurred on this too is unforeseen and we need to create a corpus fund of Rs.2,00,000.00 to meet these expenses.